Our Philosophy of Care
The Heartstream Model of Holistic Care is designed to serve global workers. Our emphasis is on whole person healing, restoration to service, and the promotion of healthful living. Our aim is to prolong years of ministry and increase effectiveness and vitality—to Thrive in Life and Ministry!
Heartstream Resources serves missionaries and their sending agencies in five capacities: Programs, Resources, Education, Consulting, and Training.
PROGRAMS: Our Intensive Care program invites individuals and groups to experience a deep healing process in a community setting. Corporate worship, biblical discussions, insightful teaching, personal reflection, counseling, healthy meals served family style, recreation, and congenial interaction combine to create a safe place to address matters of concern. Our Member Care Training program equips participants with essential understanding and tools for effective missionary care. For more information on these programs, click here.
RESOURCES: The Heartstream knowledge base includes books, publications, articles, videos, and tools gathered over 25 years of ministry to missionaries and global workers.
EDUCATION: Whether on location in Liverpool, Pennsylvania or in agency offices or on field locations around the world, Dr. Dodds and her staff are available to teach and equip workers and member care individuals so they can better serve and thrive in the ministry of the Gospel.
CONSULTING: Heartstream Resources provides consulting and member care audits rooted in decades of experience, education and professional qualifications to the end of improving the delivery of missionary care.
TRAINING: Our exclusive DVD training series as well as our internships and Holistic Care programs take global workers and their caregivers to the next level in professional delivery of effective missionary care.