This series of 27 lessons:
- Lays the foundation for Member Care Practice
- Covers one week of Heartstream's two week graduate training and development course
- Serves your members at the grassroots level to enhance their knowledge ad skills for increased effectiveness and longevity
- Provides training for member care facilitators and leaders
Disc 1:
- About Heartstream and Heartstream Facilities
- Who? Why we care
- What is Member Care?
- Why Care? Philosophy
- Why Care? Biblical Basis
- Why Care? Am I still me?
Disc 2
- Stressed from Core to Cosmos 1
- Stressed from Core to Cosmos 2
- Universal Human Needs 1
- Universal Human Needs 2
- Five Kinds of Care Needed
Disc 3
- Who Practices Missionary Care?
- Missionaries in Crisis: Kinds and Care
- Missionaries in Crisis: Intervention and Burnout
- Member Care Facilitators
- Attitudes and Skill Needs
- Ways Member Care Helps
Disc 4
- Resiliency: Longevity and Effectiveness
- Resiliency: Community, Steps and Beyond
- Why do we debrief?
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
- A Debriefing Session
Disc 5
- Member Care: Philippines and Middle East
- Member Care: Korean and Asian Missionaries
- Member Care Development: Filipino Workers, Asia
- Spiritual Care and Formation (all cultures)
- Member Care: New Zealand
- Member Care: Spain
Thriving! 2: Caring for People So They Last DVD Set
$399.00 Regular Price
$99.75Sale Price