Introduction: Pilgrimage—Your Life Journey.
We encounter dryness, darkness, danger, depression and
a host of troubles on our life journeys!
About Heartstream:
Testimonials: They arrive from working on hospital Mercy ships, African refugee camps, orphanages, and other tough and dangerous spots. They share their stories—safety, love and support at Heartream. Counseling, spiritual care, and classes on stress, burnout, and other topics bring them hope and new energy for cross-cultural life and ministry.
Introductory Devotional
Hidden Heart Messages
Devotional 1: Danger! False Gods—Who You Worship Shapes Who You Become!
Our false concepts and distortions of God lead us into maladaptive behaviors, illness, and tragedy.
Lesson 1: Hidden Heart Messages—Issues of the Heart which Kill or Heal
The lies we believe about ourselves and God can torpedo our lives and careers. We must discover these and learn the truth.
New Mind
Devotional 2: You Need a New Mind.
Transformation of feeling, behavior and thinking is crucial in order to live and serve effectively.
Lesson 2: Creating a New Mind.
We create our own emotional and social environment by how we think; steps in how to change thinking, behavior and feeling.
Factors in Your Formation
Devotional 3: Who You Really Are.
Most of us operate in life based on false concepts of ourselves. Knowing God created us for splendor and greatness leads us to freedom and joy.
Lesson 3: What makes you YOU? Factors in Your Formation
10 Crucial Outcomes of Family Origin and other influences shape how we become who we are; how to change old patterns that are killing us.
Uniquely Designed Your Personality Type
Devotional 4: Uniquely You!
No one else in the universe is designed like you! You are the only one of a kind—so learn to be yourself!
Lesson 4: Uniquely Designed—Your Personality Type, Part I (MBTI®)
Our preferences in four processes shape our interactions, communication, love, marriage, etc.
Personality Type
Devotional 5: You Are Wonderfully Made!
You are intricately formed, filled with potential, and fully known by God.
Lesson 5: You, the Joy Maker! Personality Type, Part II (MBTI®)
Your “core type” creates similarities to and differences from others; discover your strengths!
Stress of Ministry
Devotional 6: Your Hazardous Occupation
Like Apostle Paul, you may be overwhelmed with danger and hardship; how you can survive!
Lesson 6: The Stress of Ministry Hurts—How You Can Thrive Anyway!
Why doing good is dangerous, extremely stressful, and can literally kill us! Maladaptive coping vs. good coping; symptoms; balance or cascade to death.
After Burnout
Devotional 7: Do You Have the Prophet’s Problem? Burnout (by Shum Ho)
After extreme ministry and danger, Elijah had severe symptoms of burnout and never fully recovered or fulfilled his whole ministry.
Lesson 7: What You Must Change to Thrive after Burnout
Burnout is a life-threatening syndrome from exhaustion of all energy; why you must get out of the situation and what you must change.
Killer of Relationships
Devotional 8: Your Words—the Power of Life or Death!
You can speak life into others or destroy them with your words. How to tame your tongue.
Lesson 8: Your #1 Killer of Relationships—Salt and Sugar. Sting or Sweet?
Five things that shape communication; skills, attitudes, appropriate assertiveness vs. passive or aggressive; self-concept; self esteem.
Agents of Change
Devotional 9: How You Can Change What’s Hurting You
The resources God gives us fo changing. He gives us will and a power to grow!
Lesson 9: I. Strategies for Personal Change. 3-M Model for Change and Steps to Fulfillment
Change and steps to fulfillment.
II. How to Be an Agent of Change
We can influence and shape events and groups by imparting vision; overcoming resistance and steps to transformation.
Resources for Growth
Devotional 10: Your Healing Love!
God’s essence is love and thus His love provides everything we need for life and right living!
Lesson 10: Resources for Your Growth
We find hope and healing on the journey through the amazing resources God offers.